Over the past few months, you will surely have heard the term ‘staycation’ bandied about with reckless abandon. Some of you may be wondering, what on earth is it? In its most basic form, it is the mashing together of the words ‘stay’ and ‘vacation’ – an Americanism. Simply speaking, it is the act of taking a holiday close by, or even at, your home. More broadly, staycations can be any domestic holiday, usually lasting a night or two, normally a weekend, but can also be a single day trip, or a whole week of holiday where you stay at home but journey to a different place within reach each day. Typical ideas are beach trips, camping or glamping trips, or heading to a luxury hotel for a spa day or exquisite meal.

Why, then, are they so popular all of a sudden? In reality, these holidays have always been a staple of the British lifestyle. However, thanks to social media, they are getting more attention today, in the pandemic where we are forbidden from travelling abroad, thus seeking to fulfil our Wanderlust and thirst for scenery change in a different way. 

The pandemic has put all our trips abroad on hold. Therefore, we are seeking out greener pastures closer to home. When WFH life drags on, grey walls get more and more grey as we inspect them for endless hours, and we never thought we would ever utter the words, ‘I miss the Central Line,’ the need, the thirst, the desperation to just get out is stronger than ever. The great thing about staycations is that they are quick, simple to plan, and can be very cost-effective ways of breaking the monotony!

There is an added bonus as well – environmentally friendly! When climate change is on the tip of everyone’s tongue, getting away without taking an intercontinental flight is a tick in the box of doing-right-by-the-planet, and gives you a glowing sense of virtue that you’ve done you’re a bit to help, plus you got a break from the Zoom calls. Win-win, am I right?

The options for staycations are endless. Head to the beaches, get some fresh air on a walk in the Yorkshire Dales, support the local culture and small businesses of historic villages and districts which rely on tourism, or pamper yourself with a spa day, afternoon tea, or 7-course-Michelin-starred dinner at some of the world’s top hotels without ever leaving Blighty’s shores! For the more adventurous at heart, you could even turn your hand to equestrian activities, mountain biking, hiking, coasteering, or walking in mid-air between two mountains. Seriously, this is the UK!

Thanks to modern technology, it’s fairly straightforward to book an itinerary yourself. You can google the properties, the activities, the places to dine, how to get there, and what time best suits you. However, using a company like StayK to book everything for you and handle all of the negotiations adds that extra level of comfort and relaxation, as you let us take care of everything for you. From getting the best prices to some of the most exclusive excursions, all over the UK, all you will have to do is make sure you’ve got the right clothes packed. Out of Office: ON.